
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
- How does one plan for retirement? Or sort through the tragedy of losing a loved one? Today, Jack Scaff discusses a range of issues related to his work as a wealth advisor. We also look at inflation, the economic havoc wrought by COVID as well as San Francisco's apparent struggle to make an economic comeback.
You can read more about Jack Here:
Contact Jack:
- Please stalk me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benjaminrussack/
And Subscribe to my patreon:patreon.com/LookJustTellMeWhatToDo
- And read my father's book archetypal animal symbolism:

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
In Memory of Seymour Radin
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
A close look at the man who was my therapist for nearly thirty years.
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benjaminrussack/
Subscribe to my patreon: patreon.com/LookJustTellMeWhatToDo
Archetype of the Apocalypse: Divine Vengeance, Terrorism, and the End of the World. \
The Horse Boy: A Father's Miraculous Journey To Heal His Son
He: Understanding Masculine Psychology (Perennial Library) by Robert A. Johnson
And on a totally unrelated topic, here is a link to my father's book archetypal animal symbolism:

Friday May 12, 2023
What You Probably Don’t Know About: Therapy Speak
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
- Grossly misused therapy speak
- Access without education
- The decline of critical thinking
- Bonus content:
- More ways the pandemic messed with our heads
- The limits of extroverted thinking
- The travesty that is the Myers-Briggs personality test.
- Here is a link to MC's amazing book:
- https://a.co/d/2umWUq9
- And here is her instagram:
- https://instagram.com/mc.phd
- My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benjaminrussack/
- Email me your questions at Benjaminrussack@gmail.com or DM me on instagram.
- Subscribe and have your questions answered on my Q & A! And receive cool stuff!! patreon.com/LookJustTellMeWhatToDo
- And on a totally unrelated topic, here is a link to my father's book archetypal animal symbolism:

Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Relationships! Relationships! Relationships! With Stephanie Hanger, LMFT.
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
- Getting in touch with your breath and body to reduce reactivity with your partner
- Negative projections
- Triangulation
- The negative blame cycle
- Ineffective behaviors that partners use to cope.
- When is anger actually useful?
- Finally Stephanie and I go toe to toe as we roll play an argument from one of my relationships from years past.
- Stephanie wins.
- Stephanie Hanger LMFT can be reached at:
- stephanie@stephaniehangermft.com; 415.813.2973; www.stephaniehanger.com
- Email me your questions at Benjaminrussack@gmail.com
- Subscribe and have your questions answered on my Q & A! And receive cool stuff!! patreon.com/LookJustTellMeWhatToDo
- My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benjaminrussack/
- And on a totally unrelated topic, here is a link to my father's book archetypal animal symbolism:
- Animal Guides in Life, Myth and Dreams (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts, 97)

Thursday Apr 20, 2023
When The Mirror Betrays Us: On Being Transgender with Flint
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Meet Flint, career police officer and Brazilian Jujitsu blackbelt. Today, Flint discusses the paradoxical and profound nature of his transformation--from the person he had been perceived to be, into the person he had always been. Flint also discusses the adversity he encountered while working on the police force, as well as a step by step accounting of his transformation, from a female body into a male one.
Some resources regarding today's topic:
Email me your questions at Benjaminrussack@gmail.com
Subscribe and have your questions answered on my Q & A! And receive cool stuff!! patreon.com/LookJustTellMeWhatToDo
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benjaminrussack/
And on a totally unrelated topic, here is a link to my father's book archetypal animal symbolism:
Animal Guides in Life, Myth and Dreams (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts, 97)

Friday Apr 14, 2023
What You Probably Don’t Know About: Diagnosis
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Diagnosis! What it means, how it came to be, how it is used for good and for ill. Today I talk with trauma reseracher Mary Catherine McDonald, PHD, about the DSM—the veritable bible of mental health—and the sheer subjectivity with which it was conceived, written and wielded by doctors and insurance companies alike.
We also discuss the wonderful madness of Robin Williams, how to rebuke terrible questions and what we think of people who like to tell other people who they are.
Here is a link to MC's amazing book:
And here is her instagram:
Email me your questions at Benjaminrussack@gmail.com
Subscribe and have your questions answered! patreon.com/LookJustTellMeWhatToDo
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benjaminrussack/
And on a totally unrelated topic, here is a link to my father's book archetypal animal symbolism:
Animal Guides in Life, Myth and Dreams (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts, 97)

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Ask Questions! Get Answers! Q&A with Benjamin Russack, LMFT. Episode 2.
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
What is the most common way someone will sabotage their own success?
What makes for an ideal patient/therapist relationship?
Are there any types of patients you refuse to work with?
And more!
Email me your questions at Benjaminrussack@gmail.com
Subscribe and have your questions answered! patreon.com/LookJustTellMeWhatToDo
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benjaminrussack/

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Ask Questions! Get Answers! Q&A with Benjamin Russack, LMFT. Episode 1.
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
How important is the mental health of the therapist?
Can your therapist be a wreck and still do great work?
How has my work as a therapist changed my views on marriage?
What prevents people from entering therapy?
If I am diagnosed with clinical depression will I be like that forever?
How does dream work help with mental health?
How does one safely explore the unconscious?
How does spiritualism relate to mental health?
What are archetypes? How do they help us with our mental health?
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benjaminrussack/
Email me your questions at Benjaminrussack@gmail.com
Subscribe and get your questions answered! patreon.com/LookJustTellMeWhatToDo

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
In a world lacking in role models and secure family structures, drugs and drug culture have become a dark rite of passage for our young men.
Today we interview Chris Howard, Founder of Ethos Recovery and Roy DePerez Founder of Back2bascis Outdoor Adventures on the world of substance abuse and recovery.
Chris and I also debate about the underlying reasons people use drugs in the first place--and is it even worth kicking up all that sand? Chris and Roy also speak in depth about the various strategies used to get a reluctant persons struggling with substance abuse into treatment.
Chris Howard CACD-III, CCMI-M:
Founder of Ethos Recovery & Co-Founder of Valor Behavioral Health, specializing in working with failure to launch cases with mental health and substance abuse issues.
Roy DuPerez M.Ed:
Founder of Back2Basics Outdoor Adventures, Beyond the Basics Onlife Foundation.
My contact information:
benjaminrussack@gmail.com; 4125.497.1908
Patreon Account: patreon.com/LookJustTellMeWhatToDo
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benjaminrussack/
And of course my father's book:
Animal Guides in Life, Myth and Dreams (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts, 97)

Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Stress, Anxiety and Trauma: Conversations with MaryCatherine McDonald, PhD
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
How does trauma affect memory? What biochemical changes occur in the brain following a traumatic event? Today we talk with MaryCatherine McDonald, PHD about her book “Unbroken: The Trauma Response is Never Wrong.” She also presents some tools for managing extreme stress and anxiety. We further discuss how the dogma around religion and psychology have become so intertwined Even diagnosis and identity often seem to occupy the same mental space.
Here is a link to MC's amazing book:
And here is her instagram:
My contact information:
Benjaminrussack@gmail.com; 415.497.1908
Patreon Account: patreon.com/LookJustTellMeWhatToDo
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benjaminrussack/
And on a mostly unrelated topic, here is a link to my father's book:
Animal Guides in Life, Myth and Dreams (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts, 97)